Wednesday, June 16, 2010


work at the nature center and be in austin till the end of august. bike till the end of september. go back to austin until thanksgiving... go home from thanksgiving to christmas and visit everyone in new england... go to the dominican over dana's winter break... then see what happens? woofing? austin? missoula? grad school?

Thursday, June 3, 2010

takin in the sights in good ol MA

back home in westborough for a couple of days, still awake at 3am for the first time in probably years because im a partying maniac like that.
traveling to a different place always gives you a different perspective on things. even if you're just traveling back and forth between what feels like your two homes. and memory is so fickle. every time you revisit an old memory your brain reconsolidates and warps the information. so where does that leave you?

lord my body
has been a good friend
but i won't need it
when i reach the end

even though i don't really have anything to say in this post, it feels good to at least be recording something.

i want to learn how to tune and fix up Genie's piano. i want to talk to erik and maybe even somehow play something with him sometime. i want to start writing down more of the music in my head.

in terms of the further ahead future, id like to go back to the outdoor school. go on bike tours in the us and in other countries. teach at the taktse school in the himalayas. go to grad school to study music therapy for people with autism. add some music therapy to the wrfi curriculum?

in terms of the nearer to now future, long bike rides every weekend. a long fast to prove to myself i can do it.

what id like most of all is to keep focusing on listening more!!! if the best listening effort you give is to your own thoughts, you're just missing out. keepin the tunnel vision operating in full force. there are way more interesting thoughts floating around amongst your friends and acquaintances, than merely your own.

in westborough i love how funny everything is, how goofy everyone is.
in texas i love how unique everyone is, how many things i still want to do there, how i feel like things are maybe only just beginning, despite the fact that it's been about 4 months.

i like to think about the ways i relate to a person im close to that are completely unique to that one relationship. i like to rely on intuition as much as possible, and seem to relate best to other people who do the same.

i miss playing music for the refugees at school. these are some thoughts from a month ago...

Song for the Refugees

Where are they, which I am seeking most of all

The pair of eyes that will hold my gaze

Warmly, slowly, breaking into a smile

I would not feel like such a stranger here

If I could only find this.

I can feel the flame within my own pair of eyes

Growing dimmer, growing quiet

I want to fight the waning light

But I don't know for how much longer.

Look at me, we are the same

We need each other

More than you or I understand.

So stay with me a minute

Hold my gaze

Learn my face

When we meet on the street again

Do not judge me by my race.

Look past your watch, your answering machine

Understand what I have seen

Do not hide behind that facade

I need you now, I need you now.

And Response

Look into my eyes

I will hold your gaze and share

Your fear, your pain

Let me help you with your load

Mine is none so great to bear

I marvel at the fire you have left

Hold fast to it, let's make it grow again

All things heal with time

Your fire will not die

Though with words we cannot share

There is something much deeper here

Today we understand each other

I do not see your race, I see You, my brother