Tuesday, September 13, 2011


"Grandfather spoke again, saying, "Trying to live a spiritual life in modern society is the most difficult path one can walk. It is a path of pain, of isolation, and of shaken faith, but that is the only way that our Vision can become reality. Thus the true Quest in life is to live the philosophy of the Earth within the confines of man. There is no church or temple we need to seek peace, for ours are the temples of the wilderness. There are no spiritual leaders, for our hearts and the Creator are our only leaders. Our numbers are scattered; few speak our language or understand the things that we live. Thus we walk this path alone, for each Vision, each Quest, is unique unto the individual. But we must walk within society or our Vision dies, for a man not living his Vision is living death."

-- The Quest

Monday, September 12, 2011

TB and CG

Tom Brown:
Whatever happens, happens, and if learn from it... I see life as a great banquet at which I am the honored guest... my world has no time, except the seasons and the perspectives of youth and old age. In my world, life is a gift to be accepted, and returned. Life is a celebration... given to us to enjoy.
It has just been recently that I have found, even during my teaching, that I should just be myself and do what I want to do. Every day, I get off by myself in the woods to reorient myself and sort of reaffirm who I am.
If I can have a young person with me in the woods for a weekend and can show him/her that there is another way to look at life, the chances are that person will stay off drugs from that time on. You can get high on nature, high on your own surroundings- more up than you've ever been. Like John Muir said, "There is no upness like the mountains" Kids say to me all the time, "I thought you could only get this way when you're high!" I try to redirect them toward the wonders of nature. Our young people have little to believe in. They look around them, and everything is polluted and dirty. There's crime in the streets. There's embezzlement... They have gone a long time without respect for anything, and now they can see something to respect, and it gives them hope and that all-important self respect they need.

light and warmth
altered vision
physical contact