Monday, November 14, 2011


1.) stream of consciousness
Flying saucers donuts
south congress street wish i could just walk there more
homophobes suuuuuure?
armadillos oh nice shell
Chris Lukas aiii cristobal (hand thing)
oatmeal crunchy
Mexico sad
New York a phase
Honey Ohs o ho ho ho hoho ho hohoho
The Outdoor School silence

How is your brain different from August?
before the outdoor school i think i was very much about collecting knowledge somehow, like having a box inside my head about all the stuff i could know about/stuff i couldn't understand/i thought had no explanation... i still thought that i could have an explanation in my head. but being here i realized that its better to just feel it out instead of trying to understand it, cuz when you try to understand it, its a different idea in and of itself, and when you're feeling it out, you're actually seeing it as it is. i dont know what it means, but, it.

Do you think you can use this newfound mentality to learn piano?
I think so, because when i was looking at the pieces today, at the music sheets, i was not really trying to understand them, because my brain was being a little lazy, but i was still able to (belch) read something by just looking at it, and it was like an overall reading and something i could still understand in a different way then if i had spent hours figuring out the notes.

What is your greatest weakness right now?
Umm... being lazy.

What is your greatest strength right now?
Being open to just doing whatever whenever.

How do you think that you have changed my mind in the time we've known each other?
Well, I think you've been able to watch me grow more than I've been able to watch myself grow, so I think maybe my tendency to abstract things and to put them in a different place in the world while still being able to feel out stuff and not box it up all the time... that may have showed you that you can have both worlds kind of.... im trying to be able to intertwine them... annnndddd... im actually not sure of anything i just said.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

a look into the mind of Papita

Don't give too much thought to these questions; just let words fall out of your mouth. This is a first instinct, intuitive type of thing going on here. If you don't like a question then just skip it.

1.) What do you think about the concept of "healing"? When someone is healing, what is actually happening?
a lot of those conflicts that happen in somebody's life pertain to the self, and constant interactions with everything around them. interactions with the external world are continuous; there's never a separation of the self from the environment. divisions are only there to make things easier to explain. when the interactions are not smooth or harmonious or soothing. when somebody is sick or distraught, it's because the interactions are like shocks. (arms flailing in peripheral vision)
When somebody's healing, those shocks smooth out. Your body is receiving everything better.
when not in the mindset of it, i get really separated from my environment. in order to have a good session with the kids, you have to be there in their own little bubble. i get their attention by being in their place. sometimes when not in the mood of it i go in my own little world and then there is separation, but that's all in your head. divisions are definitely created by yourself.
In yoga you are moving your body through space. muscles relax and contract at the same time. a synergy in the physical world that lets you see beyond the separation of things.

2.) Describe the goodness of Tecate to someone who has never had it before.
It's kind of bold, but it's.... so smooth. Its just...flavor with character.

4.) Have you thought more about what your ex-boyfriend said about you thinking you'll miss him, but not really? Is that even possible? If you think you miss him is that the same thing as missing him?

5.) Give a short autobiography of your life and invent the future if you like.

6.) If you were elected President of a community about the size of TOS, only without the actual job part of TOS, and you had to come up with a constitution, what would be in the constitution?

7.) Do you believe that our souls exist over more than one lifetime? Reincarnation?
I don't think that life is that linear or that easily put into segments. It's easy for us to imagine "oh yeah in the past life I was this being" but I'm sure it's way more complex than that. To me it's more absolute, existing versus not existing. When you're not existing I'm not sure what the fuck is going on, but I know something is.

8.) Do you ever believe that things are so important and so unimportant at the exact same time?
It happens a lot with people. Humanity is one of the things that I am truly in love with, but at the same time I have this.... I feel like humanity focuses on the wrong things a lot of the time. I have this love for every human being, but then sometimes I can't respect their decisions or their actions.

9.) What's something that you want to figure out that you haven't figured out yet.
I sometimes have trouble with self control. In my head I'm very aware of stuff but actually implementing it is a different story sometimes. When I start living in my head a lot, living through memories and photographs, I stop paying as much attention to the now and the real world that is actually happening, and I ignore cues from the now that help me out in interactions. I've been living through photographs and books a lot lately.