Friday, December 7, 2012


it seems papita will end up here time and time again, through her fingertips or mine
"it is so easy to attach to things visually.  for me, it is a fixation on light, on its infinite nature.  light in all the colors together.  everything becomes one.  in everything.
i wonder if i can ever make peace with spoken language"

papita, here are the words with attached meanings that i thought of in response

it is so easy to attach to sounds.  for me, it is a fixation on vibrations, on their infinite nature.  vibrations traveling from one "thing" to another at every moment, connecting them all. everything becomes movement and change.  always...

spoken language has a lot of difficulties.  but papita, it is spoken language that allows you to create those stories for the kids.  that allows them to communicate things to you so you know that the way you are hoping to interact with the kids is happening.  and your new challenge to yourself seems like you are wanting to make peace with spoken words at the right time...
"one must be impeccable with one's words.  one must also know when things are superior to words, and secure in the arms of silence."
ms. frida, i like you.

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