Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Bodhicitta is a compassion for all beings, accompanied by a falling away of the attachment to the illusion of an inherently-existing self.
This spark of compassion motivates one to achieve omniscient Buddhahood as quickly as possible, so that one may benefit infinite sentient beings. Bodhicitta is a felt need to replace others' suffering with bliss. Since the ultimate end of suffering is moksha, bodhicitta necessarily involves a motivation to help others to awaken (to find bodhi).
One for whom bodhicitta is the prime motivation for all actions is called a bodhisattva.

How is one to practice?
Not allowing free rein to ordinary thoughts.
Master them with mindfulness.
Then to completely purify the entire field of your action.
Emptiness with compassion as its very essence.

Develop gentle love and the rest of the four boundless qualities,
especially the miraculous great compassion.

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